What's new in version 33? 1. I try unify first stage of some rendering triangle functions - (first sorting triangle cooef, two loops of horizontal line calling). For real Phong based functions first phase resides in glass_tex.inc file, for some others in bump_tex.inc file. 2. In real Phong lighting model based functions, in case it contains texturing component I pass tex params as floats. All RP but peeling function have this feature. 3. I add sort chunks button. It performs chunks sorting, and preparing some chunks info struct - contains max, min, middle of vertices, whole triangles number in chunk. 4. I renew removing cracks proc. Now dont destroyed manifold structure of object, works faster. 5. I add editing separate chunks posibility (rotate, scale, translate/move in x, y and z direction). 6. I renew teslate triangles with at last one collided edge and at last on inside vertex procedure. 7. Old bug - non correct generating long pipes was removed. 9. I abandon pcx texture using (routines by Thomas Matys) - it is GPLed, and I for know release my app without licence - I dont took right, definitive decision about it. 9. Besides above I tried made some refractoring code cleaning effort.. Knowed bugs/release info: 1. App don't display shadows in point light rendering model. 2. 'Z' coord problems in flat - integer Z model. I think all this model procs are to throw out - its redundant (even worse) comparing to flat with float z interpolation model. 3. Displaying normal vectors - not works in all displaying models. 4. App is unstable - it may crash in any time - be ready.. My applications, documents I generate; perhaps knowledge (still tiny comparing to most people) about programming, rendering 3d; is based on work, repeating, rethinking about some aspects I am busy. I dont know if large amount of people are intrested in reading, using this garbage. Anyway, I hope, at last few people get something /good/ from my stuff... If you use my app, regularly using /save obj./ button will prevent data loose.. Maciej Guba, October 2022.